Everyone knows that running is a great way to get into shape. It is incredibly effective at making you healthier in a number of ways. Just like every other form of exercise, there is a proper technique to running that should be kept in mind. Here are a few Do’s and Dont’s that one should keep in mind while going for a run. Fitness Centers In Gurgaon
The DO’s
Land on the Midsole of Your Foot
Landing on your forefoot allows your muscles to catch the weight of your body in flight, reducing the effects of impact on the joints and bones.
Take Short, Effective Strides
Less motion through the joint means less wear and tear and improved efficiency during your runs. Using a shorter stride reduces the movement within any joint and less movement means a longer, healthier life for the joints.
Invest in Barefoot Running Shoes
Build up to wearing shoes with minimal support to help strengthen and develop the natural muscular support in your foot and ankle. Developing foot strength can help make everything stronger, including your ankles, knees, hips, and lower back.
Work Up to Running Farther, Faster
Build your run one minute at a time. Walk between running intervals and recover actively. Interval training can provide you with faster results in the same amount of time.
Run for Time
Try to improve covering the same distance in less time. The more you train, the easier your runs will become. You can either cover the same distance with greater ease, or maintain the same intensity and run farther in the same amount of time.
The DON’Ts
Run Heel First
Avoid striking the pavement with your heels. Running with a heel landing can contribute to back and knee pain.
Use a Long Stride
Leaping forward while you run is inefficient and an energy drain. Instead, stand tall and lean forward, and when you feel like you are going to fall, step forward just enough to catch yourself. This should be the length of your stride. It takes less energy to fall than to reach your foot in front of you.
Wear Shoes That Are Too Comfortable
The human body works with one major premise: use it or lose it. If your support is coming from an external source, like your shoes, then the muscles designed to support the framework of the foot will eventually fail to do their job, making the foot weaker and your body more prone to injury.
Run as Hard As You Can
Many runners think if they can run fast, they are running efficiently, which isn’t the case. Set your heart rate monitor to keep your running at a desired pace, and then don’t exceed that set pace. Your body will adapt, and then you’ll be able to run more comfortably at this pace, meaning you will be able to run faster without pushing any harder.
Get Stuck on the Odometer
Running three, five or even 26 miles doesn’t really tell you if there is any progress in your run. Instead, track the amount of time that you’re running and monitor your intensity using a heart rate monitor.