Category: Home

How To Train Your Brain To Stop Making Excuses Not To Workout

We all make excuses. Had a crazy leg workout on Monday. You're too tired. It's too hot. You had a tiring day at work, you deserve some time off. But that's fine, you will workout next week and it'll m...

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3 And A Half Cafe : Best Place For Nutritious Food

In today’s era, where every single person want to be fit and healthy but without making their tongue suffer. Going for a workout at the gym, running on treadmill, taking steam bath etc are some of ...

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Recipe – Pesto Chicken Florentine

A wonderful gourmet concoction of creamy pesto, chicken and spinach served with a healthy side salad - another of-of 3 And A Half's masterchefs delectable recipes.   Ingredients:

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Smart Ways to Stick To Your New Years Fitness Resolutions

For many people the first week of January means making fitness-related New Year's resolutions, only to have them fall by the wayside in a couple of weeks, or months (if lucky). Is it possible to ke...

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Sweet Potato With Warm Blackbean Salad

For a satisfying last-minute supper, it's hard to beat a sweet potato zapped in the microwave. The fragrant filling of beans and tomatoes adds protein. Be sure to eat the skin, which is full of fiber,...

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Going Nuts for Nuts This Winter

Nuts are extremely beneficial parts of any diet, and they contain a wide variety of health benefits that include their ability to balance cholesterol levels, increase heart health, boost immunity and ...

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Recipe – Chicken and Blackbean Soup | 3 And A Half Cafe

December is here, and with it comes the promise of warm comfort food that both delights and indulges. 3 And A Half's master chefs are now going to be sending you recipes that are both easy to make and...

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A Beginner’s Guide to The Gym: Everything You Need to Know

Once you've taken that first good step of joining the gym, what comes next? While a lot of us know exactly what to do at the gym, there are several impediments, both physical and mental that can keep ...

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Supplement In Focus: CREATINE – Q&A


Creatine is a substance that is present in naturally in the human body, functioning as a storehouse of energy. Essential for physical and mental exertio...

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Analysis: 30 Days on the Rock’s Diet Plan

During our childhood days, television was our only source of virtual entertainment and WWE always used to top our list. And when it comes to wrestling, one of our all time favourites was 'The Rock'. D...

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Can I Workout On An Empty Stomach?

Well, in short, yes. But there's a delicate balance at play here, and its essential to investigate that further. Working out on an empty stomach has it's intrinsic benefits - like burning more fat per...

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Myths Around Snacking

We live in an increasingly health-conscious world, along with constant conflicting advice on the subject of nutrition. There are several factors...

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The Tremendous Benefits of Kriya and Yoga

Yoga is an ancient practice, which is more than 5000 years old. The term yoga is derived from Sanskrit origin and the literal meaning of the word is union. It is a practice that connects mind, body an...

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September 29, 2017

Winter is Coming – Do’s and Don’ts to Keep Fit This Winter

“Winter is coming”, a fancy phase adopted by billions, thanks to a famous television series called Game of Thrones. But we are not here to talk about the show, but to tell you how this cold...

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September 27, 2017

All You Need To Know About Testosterone and Estrogen

Ask any average gym goer, what single physical factor affects their muscle growth and fat loss. They would probably answer none other than testosterone. Testosterone is...

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