Category: Home

September 14, 2017

Thyroid Disorder Explained: A Health Analysis

According to a recent survey from a leading health center, 200 million people worldwide are suffering from some form of thyroid disease. And half of them have no idea about the disease, this condition...

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September 7, 2017

Intermittent Fasting – Fasting and it’s results

Intermittent fasting is one of the ancient practices to good health, the reason why it is called ancient is because it was practiced by our ancestors. It is one powerful habit that human kind has forg...

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August 27, 2017

Debunking The Urban Myth That “Weight Training Is Bad For Women”

You’ve heard a million times if women lift heavy weights they will get too bulky. An urban myth that is circulated among regular people as well as gym goers. It is one lie that harms women and demot...

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August 21, 2017

The science behind listening to music in a workout

Music has become a huge part of our lives. Be it tempo or lyrics, music affects a person’s mind and body. And popping earphones or listening to loud music before a workout has become habitual for mo...

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August 11, 2017

‘Workouts Our Grandfathers Did Better’

Ever wondered how our grandparents still have the stamina of a thirty year old while a fifteen minute treadmill run can get the best of you? It's no secret how the fitness game has moved towards aesth...

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July 19, 2017

A Tryst with Food! A Gastronomical Account – UK

Amidst so much anticipation and hype around my UK visit, I was actually wondering whether UK will live upto the standards which were set in my mind, by the people and the new culture around me. Landin...

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July 08, 2017

Psychological Triggers of Overeating

If you have ever watched someone struggle with weight loss, have been through it yourself or are grappling with it at the moment- there is one thi...

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June 28, 2017

Sugar Free vs Fat Free, Myths Debunked!

Processed food picked off supermarket shelves has become a part and parcel of urban living.  Even as most of us aspire to a healthy life, we are still dependent on them. The rising health consciousne...

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June 22, 2017

5 Simple Workouts to Strengthen those Glutes

Most people today suffer from ‘gluteal amnesia’ or simply underactive glutes. Not just the 9 to 5 desk worker, even fitness-enthusiasts...

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June 13, 2017

Body Shaming, What it Is and Why do we Do It?

Did you ever stop and think about how often we are told to change our appearance?  Magazines constantly offer tips about how to lose weight “in days,” appear slimm...

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June 09, 2017

Nutrient Deficiencies and Signs to Watch Out For

You might think that nutrient deficiencies are a thing of the past, reserved for sailors trapped at sea. But even today, it’s possible to lack some of the essential nutrients your body needs to func...

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June 02, 2017

Secrets of Functional Fitness

At the most basic level, functional fitness refers to exercises that improve daily activity. A functional exercise challenges balance and coordination while simultaneously improving strength and range...

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May 26, 2017

Best Workout Plans for The Elderly

Inactivity is a threat that adults must be mindful of as they age. A person who lives a sedentary lifestyle can fall victim to any number of ailments that can lead to illness, disease, or injury. Whi...

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May 19, 2017

Hydrating The Right Way

When it comes to a sweaty workout, we love a water break reward as much as the next fitness fiend. But as the mercury rises, it’s more important than ever to focus on our fluids all day long. After ...

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May 05, 2017

Your Body’s Worst Enemy – Stress!

Stress is the body’s way of protecting you. When working properly, it helps you stay focused, energetic, and alert. In case of emergency, stress can save your life, giving you the extra strength to ...

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