June 13, 2016

Get a Flat Tummy at Home With These 6 Simple Exercises

Well, summer is the best season to flaunt a perfectly toned body and dashboard abs. But if you are carrying some holiday weight on you and feel ashamed of a muffin top, get back in shape at home by following a simple exercise routine.

We recently caught up with Ashish Gupta, Best Fitness Expert In India and Director at Gold’s Gym, Gurgaon, who explains the best ways for losing belly fat for beginners.

Jumping toe touching


Toe-touching exercises are a basic form of exercise that provides a number of benefits. This exercise can be performed while standing up or lying down on the floor, and it works multiple muscle groups in addition to offering flexibility and stretching benefits. Toe touches are also an effective cool down after a cardiovascular workout. They focus mainly on your hamstrings along with your core muscles.

Swiss ball crunches


Because of its ability to target the entire core, the Swiss-ball crunch should be a staple in your workout. The exercise primarily works the rectus abdominals, or six-pack muscles, and the transverse abdominals. However, when performed properly, it also calls on muscles that stabilize the hips and lower back.

Spot jumping


One of the safest methods for weight management is spot jogging. Just like brisk walking, spot jogging benefits rank high in terms of watching your weight. The first and foremost benefit of spot jogging is that it gives you the leverage to start the workout at your own pace and progress forward with the same because you can start with a sprint on the spot and then slow down when you feel the need to. Furthermore, at the time of ending the session, staying on the spot makes it easier to recover from the troubles of heavy breathing, which can otherwise be difficult with other workouts such as running, mobile jogging or sprinting.



Remember all those skipping races you did as a kid all those rope games, fighting over the rope and jumping around for the fun of it. Those were the days when one could eat a whole load of pancakes, jalebis and samosas, but not gain a single inch of fat. Moreover, the reason is all that jumping around was enough to burn it all! So why stop now!

Mountain climb


A mountain climber is an exercise that challenges your balance, agility, and coordination. They benefit muscular and cardiovascular fitness by increasing strength, flexibility and blood circulation. Mountain climbers require you to use your upper arms muscles, as well as your core and your legs. Practice the proper alignment of mountain climbers to get the most out of your workout.



Whether you are trying to shape your lower body, increase muscle tissue, burn belly fat or make your hips more flexible, the lunge can help you achieve your goal. This functional, multi-joint exercise can be modified to meet your fitness level. Whether you are doing basic beginner lunges or take on a more advanced variety, the exercise is beneficial in many ways.